Sprains, strains, fractures, and tennis elbows usually result from practicing sports or being highly active.
Athletes are at a higher risk for certain types of physical injuries due to the requirements of their sports. The demands placed on their bodies can lead to various kinds of injuries, but fortunately, most of these injuries are quite common and treatable.
Sprains, for instance, occur when ligaments are stretched or torn, usually resulting from sudden movements or awkward landings. On the other hand, strains affect the muscles or tendons and often arise from excessive stretching or overexertion. As you may already know, fractures are breaks or cracks in bones, often caused by impacts or repetitive stress. Lastly, overuse injuries occur due to repetitive motions or excessive strain on a particular body part, such as tendinitis or stress fractures. While these injuries are prevalent in the world of sports, athletes can continue doing what they love with reduced risks if they get proper treatment and take preventive measures.